Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who Are Your Friends?

Jesus said "Greater love is this that a man is willing to lay down his life for his friends" Jesus believed that a friendship is so important that the friend would be willing to die for them. Jesus is that friend to you and I.
In New York there is a stock exchange that people buy and sell commodities on the market. The market that is doing well I believe is called a bull market and if it isnt doing well its refered to as a bear market. Do not quote me on this as complete facts for I am no investment banker. I do however know what a friendship is supposed to be. I believe when you are friends it is a bond that is both give and take. Sometimes people are hurting and going through hardships in thier lives and a good friend is someone who is there for them no matter what may occur and vice versa.
Friendship is not a commodity that is to be bought and sold according to how much one can gain. It is not something that only benefits one party in the relationship.In New York there is really not much emotion put into the buying and trading of stocks and commodities, it is all about what benefits the trader the most. A selfish friendship is not a friendship at all, it is just a one sided relationship that only benefits one person. Friends are supposed to be people that can count on each other no matter where they are in life. No matter how hard things get these people are to have each others backs. Jesus had our back 2010 yrs ago on the cross at mount Golgatha. Jesus is our greatest example of how we are to conduct our lives, and he was willing to lay it all on the line for us His friends, His followers and His family.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Frustrations of a Teacher

I want to teach so badly. I have attempted to pursue this endeavor for what is going on 2yrs. It feels like every time I try something knocks me back down. Last year it was time spent as a long term sub and realizing just how far I was into the deep end. I have had training this year and thanks to the good folks at Tx Teachers my eyes are so much more open this time around the block. I guess as a Christian I do feel God has a definate plan for my life that through my understanding of his leading includes teaching. I just do not understand why it is taking so long to come to reality. My feeble mind does not see the end result that my Heavenly Father sees. Jeremiah comes to mind where we hear that God knows the plans he has for our lives. I feel like I am getting all my ducks in a row finally and pray someone out there is willing to give me a shot.